
Posted by Mandy at 7:55 PM

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I maintain that all old people have gone off their rocker. I wonder if we are under biological attack; ruin by insanity. In the last week I have encountered six different people of the elderly persuasion who have behaved in a most irrational manner. Maybe they are sick of youth disrespect and they "ain't takin it no more!" or maybe it's the moon, but it is way overboard this week. Deemed: Worst Week 2008(so far)

Oh yeah...


What the

Posted by Mandy at 4:30 PM

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

So I have little to say, but feel as though I am neglecting my ego.

Dear Ego,

Lately I have been feeling lazy. Lazy about everything. Josh feels it too. The kitchen is a mess. I finally vacuumed and mopped today, two days late. There is a balcony to sweep, cats to brush, course planning to do, materials to be made, and invitations to boot. Still it seems as though maybe I'm getting quite a bit done. I've actually stuck to the workout routine I've created for myself, and the hall closets are both newly organized. The big windows have been cleaned(twice, to no avail, damn you windows, DAMN YOU!!!!!) I've got a guest list, which I did not have two days ago. I think things are quite balanced, now that I ponder on it. The in box will be full when I die as they say!

Onward Jeeves!