Posted by Mandy at 12:34 PM

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I rarely do this, as my photo capabilites are limited by my crappy camera, but I melted some candles in two bottles of wine from my wedding, and I quite like the results. Here you are, from start to finish!

I hope to melt many more candles in them, because I have this thing.... about fire..... and melting shit......

A Year Older

Posted by Mandy at 10:15 PM

Monday, January 26, 2009

I turned 29 yesterday. To celebrate we went to Medieval Times!!! I was very excited because I had never been before. The food was very tasty, as was the entertainment. I had a really great time, though I wouldn't suggest anyone go at full price. They are having a buy one, get one free deal at the moment, through the end of February, and at 65$ for two people, it is well worth the price.


Posted by Mandy at 8:34 AM

Friday, January 23, 2009

I hate where I work; childcare facilities in general, as well as specifically where I am now, as it draws stupid lazy people and this is a large source of frustration for me. One reason for this is that I have a strong work ethic, and do not believe in being lazy at my job. I am being paid, therefore they should receive my best every day. If I can not give my best, I stay home. Another is the very simple fact that we are teachers. We are teaching the next generation of children to be productive members of society. It is not the place to be lazy. My conundrum is this; do I find a job elsewhere, in another field, abandoning the children I have been teaching, as well as all the others to this fetid pool of laziness? Or do I try to take the supervisors position away from the useless woman who is barely able to perform in the position at the moment? I have it on good authority that I may well have a chance at the position. On one hand, it would look great on my resume that two schools in a row promoted me to supervisor. On the other, I failed once at this job. Am I really ready to do it again? In a place that is so obviously falling apart, at that. It would be great if I could turn the school around, but I have never been a leader. From kindergarten to 0ac, I was the kick around kid. Now I am timid in the face of confrontation, or at times, far too aggressive. I do not know how to influence people in a positive manner, as any time I have tried I've been met with anger, and even hatred. Again, though, I wonder if that is a byproduct of the profession. Are the stupid, lazy people just angry with me because they are smart enough to know they are stupid and lazy? Do I sound like a complete asshole yet?

My Husband.

Posted by Mandy at 8:19 AM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I love my husband. Here is one reason why; at 6 am, when he is still mostly asleep, he checks me out as I leave the bed, and I get a most satisfying MMmmm from him. Now THAT is someone who is good for my ego!


Posted by Mandy at 9:25 PM

Friday, January 16, 2009

I made some changes. I was told that my background was loud, and may be putting people off. It's probably true, but I am also a loud person, which explains why I went to the trouble of putting that image(which I found while randomly clicking images one day) up as a background and changing my blog to match it. That being said, after having pondered it for a while, I have come to the realization that I may have commited one of those newbie blunders(which is sad as I've had this blog for five years). I may have well as added a bunch of these, and maybe a header with some of this foolishness. I apologize to any eyes I may have offended, and I hope my more sedate look doesn't give you seizures. :D

Thank you, that is all.

Lonely Ego

Posted by Mandy at 8:29 PM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My ego is lonely. This is what my sitemeter tells me. I wonder.... do I really get NO traffic, or have I done this site metering thing wrong? Also, if I get no traffic.... does that really bother me? I'll get back to you.


Posted by Mandy at 12:35 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009

My cat snores. Currently he is sitting on his daddy's chair, snoring his little brains out, making his mummy very, very jealous. How I wish to be snoring at this moment.

2009, first!

Posted by Mandy at 10:33 PM

Saturday, January 10, 2009

So, my first post of 2009. I applied for my marriage certificate yesterday, but I am worried that it will not arrive in time to renew my drivers license and OHIP card.... I was really hoping to not have to pay extra one month after renewing both, just to have my name changed. I suppose it's not a big deal, but it is a lot of time, time which could be spent with my munkey! In other news, the supervisor at my work has come back from Mat-leave. I was really hoping that she would be a great leader, and that things would stop falling apart upon her return. It seems I was mistaken. She has begun harrassing my friend, L, with nonsense and chaff, even writing her up for an infraction another staff gets away with almost daily. They want to get rid of L(for calling the labour board on them), so it seems like New Sup. is going to be the bully for the owner, who spends her days at the school smoking with staff, gossiping, and making my life hard(her 2 year old son is in my class) When will it be that I will have a real job, with a real boss, and real tasks that are not undermined daily. Le. Sigh.