McCain - neither deep, nor delicious

Posted by Mandy at 2:52 PM

Saturday, September 27, 2008

An interesting theory has recently been brought to my attention. I believe that it is a widely accepted fact among the intelligent and well informed that the Republican party are akin to a den of vipers, constantly plotting their evil ways of ruining the world. This Sarah Palin nomination seems to be the newest in a long string of what are very clever, extremely devious moves on the part of the elephant in the room. After suspending his campaign, there is no way that I can believe that McCain is a real candidate anymore. I think they are leaving the door open for the Dem's, so that THEY are responsible for the hardship the US(and the world economy) will have to endure following the raping the Rep's have commited upon the American people. Then in four years, the Republicans can swoop in and save the day from those Evil Democrats! YIKES!