Cheaters = Traitors

Posted by Mandy at 8:18 AM

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

This whole Elliot Spitzer thing seems to have brought a lot of assholes out of the woodwork. I have run in to a few very disconcerting articles on Digg, related to cheating.

Surviving infidelity

The title of the article itself bothers me. There should be no "surviving" infidelity, beyond that of surviving the aftermath of the breakup that SHOULD ensue. If you feel the need to be unfaithful, then you should leave the person you are with. They are obviously not meeting your needs and it is wrong to betray their trust.

Faithfulness is a Fantasy "Sexual promiscuity is rampant throughout nature, and true faithfulness a fond fantasy" Oy. I thought that what put us on top was our ability to become more than animals. To take nature and manipulate for our own needs. To grow in to something that is not instinctual, but driven by logic and reason. What can I say, other than I am not surprised that when a rich democrat gets caught cheating, suddenly there are a large amount of "It's ok to cheat, it's part of nature" articles popping up everywhere. I am taking my stand here. It is not ok to cheat. It is NEVER ok to cheat. If you cheat, you are a traitor, and should be punished as such. With a vicious ass kicking from the family of the person you cheated on.