Snow day? NO WAY!

Posted by Mandy at 7:12 AM

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My phone rang at 6.45 am today. I excitedly jumped out of bed, and answered it, expecting to hear those wonderful words; We are closed for a snow day. This is not what I heard. My boss, strangely, called me and told me that we ARE open, and that I should use my best judgment about whether or not to go in. Now, with the exception of the last snow storm we had(a couple days ago) I have never in my life even said "Whoa, this storm is dangerous". The last storm was an exception, simply because of the near freezing temps, and the sheer ice that was forming under the snow on the roadways. Ultimately, if I want to be paid, I must go in. If I want to drive in the snow, and I assure you I do every chance I get; then I must go in. My best judgment tells me going to work today is the right thing to do, especially since it is only 2 more days until MARCH BREAK!!!!!!! *packs snow gear, and heads to work*