
Posted by Mandy at 7:12 AM

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Josh's shift at work has changed and now he works ten hours a day, four days a week. He starts Sunday, and his last day is Wednesday. This means that two days a week, while I am at work, josh is at home. It seems he may be bored. I have become much enamoured with the way that he behaves when I get home from work. After being cooped up all day, he is full of energy, and tends to want to wrestle with me for a good hour. I miss this Josh. It's the Josh that isn't bogged down by the horrible working conditions of a tech support agent. It's the Josh I met and fell in love with. I think that I need to get a job that pays about 80k a year so that I can have a house husband. I'd be pretty thin, it's a hard workout fighting off a 6 foot 260lbs man!