Sunday, April 27, 2003

Posted by Mandy at 4:52 PM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

In one week today i will be waking up in my OWN apartment. Well, OURS at any rate. I can't sleep. I'm nervous, but very happy. I know well be ok. Everything is starting to look nicer. like a life of our own. I've never been so happy. *freaking out* I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!! ALso I'll be glad to get away from the thieves here, but i can't help but wonder what kinda of Oakville punk is going to plague me at the new place. I wish we could REALLY move away. to BC, or the east coast. Just somewhere new. But any new place is new, and to experience it with the one you love is exceptional. It will be perfect. A life. Of our own. *sigh*