Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Posted by Mandy at 7:39 AM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

One day sunshine......

Well it's here. The world comes crashing down. For once it's not pms, this time it's my inability to follow my own advice. I'm letting them get me down. I'm letting them get in the way of the goals that I have set for myself. I am letting them make me feel bad, because they don't like me. When on earth will I get over this need to have everyone like me? Should it not make me feel bad that no one will look at me? Should it not make me feel bad that they are "afraid". It should not. Let them be afraid. Let them hate me. In the end, I am doing what I know is right. In the end I am taking care of the charges I've been given. In the end I will still be here.