Most people from the GTA know of, if they don't listen to, The Edge@102.1. I was a long time listener, until one day I realized that almost every time I turned on the channel, it offended me some how. Now, I will admit, it is easy to offend me, if you have the right topics, because I am very strong in any conviction I choose to uphold. The first time I stopped listening, Dean Blundell played a very bad psuedo rock song, and then followed it with "Now for some REAL rock" and a little Sum 41. I have no problem with Sum 41 as they are quite a catchy little band, but they are in no way REAL rock(at the time, they have progressed a bit since then). Of course, I went back. It didn't take too long for the station to anger me again. The next time I stopped listening was when the morning show crew was suspended for allowing Steve-O and other members of the Jackass crew to "go too far". Um... Helllo?!?!?! JACKASS?!?!?!?! These are the guys who stuff toy cars in their ASS for the giggles it will afford them. For crying out loud, why did you INVITE them to your program? It was wrong of the station's execs to suspend the morning guys simply because the behaviour should be expected, and I'm sure thats what Dean and the boys were thinking. I have never gone back since then for more than a song or two. Most of the time it is the commercials. Like the ones for Ashley Madison (what a quagmire of filth THAT site must be), or the anti-choice commercials, or even this morning, they claimed that men who wear rockports think that Dane Cook isn't funny. I mean come on... your tastes are governed by the shoes you choose to wear? Who writes this crap? What pushed me to write a note today was the strange choice that was made by whomever chooses the line up of music. I enjoy the OutKast song "Ms. Jackson" quite a bit, and happen to know all the words. I'll ask you though, when did OutKast become a rock star? Why do I keep hearing this crossover on what is supposed to be "Toronto's Alternative Station?" Remember when they said New Rock Alternative? The sad part is, I really thought I could get along without my Sirius. Thanks. Thanks a bunch.
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