Stronach stressed that Canadians must seriously consider what decriminalizing pot might do to economic relations with the U.S. <--------------------------------WHAT?!?!?!?! does the US care whether what they do will affect relations? no. they just go ahead and do whatever they like. When are we, as a country, Going to stand up and say that we will not be bullied anymore by our neighbours to the south. WE are the ones who speak proper English, WE are the ones who are a true free nation, more widely without bigotry and racism, WE have the right to run our country as we see fit. It is not and should not be up to the US to decide what we should make legal and illegal. Something that I think we should all remember is that, as a society, Canada is leaps and bounds ahead of the US. Like in England and Ireland, where they are still at a place where women should stay home and keep house, or else they work, but still must keep house when they return home, In the US, racism and bigotry run amok. Disgust over our decision to allow gays to marry has poured across our borders since that law was enacted. After 9/11 a great many mosques and churches were burned, this also flowed across our borders and some of our more americanized citizens followed suit. Children here began copy-catting American teenagers, and brought guns to their schools. And yet we are the ones who realize that it was not video games, or music that led these children to the end they found. It was lack of parenting and moral fiber. For a country that is so religious and 'morally bound' I find is entertaining that the easiest scapegoat was chosen and slandered instead of solving the real problem. These are just small examples of WHY we are more advanced than the US. We have removed religion completely from everywhere it does not belong(as it only belongs in your homes and your hearts if you have chosen the path of god). We do not accept bigotry and racism, if we see it happen we are quick to stop it. We do not go to war unless there is proof positive that it is necessary. We don't feel the need to tell other countries what to make legal and illegal. So i say LET the US get mad at us for legalizing pot. Who cares. What will they do? Bomb us? Take Wal Mart back? Strength in numbers alone should not be the factor that decides the US is the greatest country in the world. Because it's not, if your gay or a minority. Canada is.
Wednesday, February 11, 2004: Stronach is a Moron!
Posted by Mandy at 7:09 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
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