Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Posted by Mandy at 4:58 PM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I am suddenly remembering a wealth of emotions. I miss you. more than words can say. and all I wanted was a minute of your time a second in the long run, but to much to ask at the time. you listened to foolish words and now I'm left to pick up piecing of what is left behind. I read what i wrote and remember everything about that day. Your face, the heat, the smell of you and fresh grass, and I cry for times lost, and never returned. I hope one day you remember me the way i remember you and not the way we've turned out to be. cause i miss that man that stood before me, and told me i wasn't enough. Cause for all your faults i still love you today and hope for only the best. This is a good bye note more than anything because things are unchangeable, but if i had the chance i would never have let you go, miss you that much. I love you. you have a special place in my heart. for my whole life you will be remembered, and fondly at that. It is my hope that one day we will meet again and friendship will remain, for we have a destiny you and me. and i believe it is meant to be.