Sunday, February 13, 2005: Am I Racist?

Posted by Mandy at 7:26 AM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Is it racism to expect someone who chooses to live in my country to abide by and uphold the same values and ideals that I have come to expect from my neighbours? It was not my choice to be born here but as an adult I have chosen to remain in this country because I agree with the ideals with which I was raised. Manners, decency toward your neighbours and countrymen, and equality of rights for everyone be it man, woman or child. Am I a racist because I refuse to be treated like less than a human simply because women are not equals in the country you left behind? Am I racist because I don't feel I should have slops spilt onto my property by someone from a nation without proper sewage systems? Am I a racist because I do not believe it is right to leave a country behind, and yet, continue to teach your children the bigotries and ignorance’s of said place? This is MY country. I have lived here my whole life. Why am I deemed racist simply because I think that if you choose to live here, you should act in the same manner as everyone who was raised here? It was your CHOICE. To me, you made a choice to be polite, honest, decent, and have some regard for your fellow man. You should live up to that choice.